原Isamu Chō was an officer in the Imperial Japanese Army known for his support of ultranationalist politics and involvement in a number of attempted coup d'états in pre-World War II Japan.
原Isamu Yokoyama was a general in the Imperial Japanese Army, commanding Japanese ground forces in China during the Second Sino-Japanese War and Pacific War.
原Isamu Yamada, known as Knock Yokoyama was a Japanese comedian and politician. He adopted his current stage name while directing the Manga Trio manzai troupe from 1959 to 1968. Following his comedy years, he went into the construction industry and served as a director at several major construction firms in the Kansai region. He became governor of Osaka prefecture in 1995, running as an independent and joining the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) after his election. He enjoyed great popularity as governor, mostly due to his existing fame as a comedian.
原Isamu Takeshita was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy. He was also a diplomat whose accomplishments included helping end the Russo-Japanese War favorably for Japan and obtaining former German possessions in the Pacific for Japan following World War I. In addition, he was a patron and practitioner of the Japanese martial arts, especially judo, sumo, and aikido.
原Isamu Tanonaka was a Japanese voice actor from Taitō, Tokyo. During his life he has been attached to Gekidan Tōgei and then Theatre Echo; he was attached to Aoni Production at the time of his death. He was best known for his roles in GeGeGe no Kitarō (as Medama Oyaji), Tensai Bakabon (as the first voice of Honkan-san), Mahō no Princess Minky Momo (as Sindbook), Akuma-kun (as Youaltepuztli), Dr. Slump & Arale-chan (as Gara and Akira Toriyama) and the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series (as Igor). On January 13, 2010, he suffered a heart attack in his Tokyo home and was found dead by family members. He was 77 years old at the time of his death. His final performance was in Marie & Gali as the voice of Leonardo da Vinci. Memorial services were held in Tokyo Memolead Hall on January 19, 2010. He is survived by his older brother Hiroshi.
原Isamu Akasaki is a Japanese physicist, specializing in the field of semiconductor technology and Nobel Prize laureate, best known for inventing the bright gallium nitride (GaN) p-n junction blue LED in 1989 and subsequently the high-brightness GaN blue LED as well.
原Last given to 8 boys in America in 2009, possibly of Japanese descent.
译 IsamuChō是日本帝国军队的官员,因为他支持极端民族主义政治,参与了第二次世界大战前日本的一些未遂政变。
译 横山山是日本帝国军的将军,在第二次中日战争和太平洋战争期间指挥日本地面部队在中国。
译 Isamu山田,被称为Knock Yokoyama是一个日本喜剧演员和政治家。他在1959年到1968年间指挥Manga Trio manzai剧团时,他采用了他现在的舞台名称。在喜剧岁月后,他进入建筑业,担任关西地区几家主要建筑公司的董事。 1995年当选大阪府州长,当选后独立运作,加入自民党。他很喜欢作为州长,主要是由于他现有的名气作为一个喜剧演员。
译 竹下彦是皇室日本海军的海军上将。他也是一名外交官,他的成就包括帮助结束日俄战争有利地为日本和获得在日本太平洋前的德国财产在第一次世界大战后。此外,他是日本武术的赞助人和从业者,尤其是柔道,相扑和合气道。
译 Isamu Tanonaka是来自东京Taitō的日本演员。在他的生活,他被附加到GekidanTōgei然后剧院回声;他在死亡时被附在奥尼生产。他最出名的是在GeGeGe noKitarō(作为Medama Oyaji),Tensai Bakabon(作为Honkan-san的第一个声音),Mahōno Princess Minky Momo(作为Sindbook),Akuma-kun(作为Youaltepuztli),Dr. Slump&Arale-chan(作为Gara和Akira Toriyama)和Shin Megami Tensei:Persona系列(作为Igor)。 2010年1月13日,他在他的东京家里心脏病发作,被家人发现死亡。他死了77岁。他最后的表现是在玛丽和加利作为达芬奇的声音。纪念服务于2010年1月19日在东京Memolead厅举行。他的兄弟Hiroshi幸存下来。
译 Isamu Akasaki是日本物理学家,专门从事半导体技术领域和诺贝尔奖获得者,最着名的发明明亮的氮化镓(GaN)p-n结蓝色LED在1989年,随后高亮度GaN蓝色LED以及。
译 最后给2009年美国的8个男孩,可能是日本血统。