原I live in the Untied States and my name is Renata. My father is from Croatia and is named Renato, the male version of the name. I was named this because before my father was born his grandmother thought Renata would be a nice name for a girl. Well, he was a boy so they named him Renato. While my mother was pregnant with me she thought it too was a lovely name and decided to name me Renata. I absolutely love my name and the beauty of it and its meaning. This name is more than just letters put together in my opinion, it is a beautiful message.
原In an episode of the American sitcom "Frasier", Frasier unexpectedly has to babysit his date's bratty teenage daughter named Renata. The episode is called "Can't Buy Me Love".
原In Woody Allen's "Interiors" (1978), Diane Keaton's character is called Renata. Since this is my name (but I'm from Brazil and it's really popular here) and since I'm a huge fan of his work, I wonder why he decided to give such an unusual name for the character. Usually, in English-speaking countries, Renée is the most popular variant.
原This is a beautiful name. I love the way it rolls off the tongue, and I love the meaning "born again." And the fact it isn't popular doesn't hurt either!
原Renata Volturi is one of the Volturi guard in the Twilight novels. She, like all Volturi, has a special power - she can mentally repel people that cross her path.
原I have never heard of an English-speaking person having this name, but I like it. Considering it means "re-born" or "born-again" I'm surprised that more people don't have it what with all the evangelicals in this country.
原I came from an Italian family and I was named after Renata Tebaldi. Oh, and an interesting fact: Renata is one of the most popular names registered in Brazil in the late 70's / early 80's.
译 Renata Langmannova是前捷克足球前锋Martin Fenin的前女友。
译 该名称也用于瑞典,丹麦和冰岛。
译 Renata的声音和意义是美丽的。它是独一无二的,所以这是一个加号。
译 我住在美国,我的名字是Renata。我的父亲来自克罗地亚,被命名为Renato,男性版的名字。我被命名这是因为在我的父亲出生他的祖母认为Renata将是一个好女孩的名字。那么,他是一个男孩,所以他们命名他为Renato。虽然我的母亲怀孕了我,她认为这也是一个可爱的名字,并决定命名我雷纳塔。我绝对爱我的名字和它的美丽及其意义。这个名字不仅仅是信件放在一起在我看来,这是一个美丽的信息。
译 在美国情景喜剧“Frasier”的一集,Frasier意外地不得不保姆他的日期的bratty十几岁的女儿名为雷纳塔。这集被称为“不能买我爱”。
译 在Woody Allen的“室内设计”(1978)中,Diane Keaton的人物叫做Renata。因为这是我的名字(但我来自巴西,这里真的很受欢迎),因为我是他的工作的巨大粉丝,我不知道为什么他决定给这样一个不寻常的名字为字符。通常,在英语国家,Renée是最流行的变体。
译 这是一个美丽的名字。我喜欢它滚下舌头的方式,我喜欢“再次出生”的意思。而且它不受欢迎的事实也不会伤害!
译 Renata Volturi是暮色小说中的Volturi守卫之一。她像所有的沃尔图里一样,有一个特殊的力量 - 她可以精神上排斥横渡她的路径的人。
译 Renata的“简短”形式是“Renia”。
译 我从来没有听说过这个英语的人有这个名字,但我喜欢它。考虑到它意味着“重生”或“重生”我感到惊讶,更多的人没有它与所有的福音派在这个国家。
译 Renata Linguini是Linguini的母亲在皮克斯电影Ratatouille的名字。
译 我真的很喜欢这个名字。我觉得很漂亮。
译 我来自一个意大利家庭,我被命名为Renata Tebaldi。哦,一个有趣的事实:Renata是在70年代末/ 80年代初在巴西注册的最流行的名字之一。
译 Regina和Renata Greenleaf是David Eddings的书Regina的歌曲中的双胞胎。
译 着名持票人:RenataLagmanová是捷克2006年小姐。
译 着名的持有人是女高音,雷纳塔Tebaldi。
译 这是一个名字的宝石。我希望我叫雷纳塔。
译 拥有27 728承运人,雷纳塔是匈牙利第48位最常见的女性名字。 (01/01/2016)。
译 我的名字是Renáta,我认为这是非常漂亮的名字在所有语言。