原Being a huge cat lover, I have a soft spot for this name. While it's not particularly pretty, it's got a grace and independence to it, the kind that comes with being a cat, ha ha. I wouldn't name a child Bastet, but seeing this mythical goddess used more in stories would be nice.
原This is the name of my cat, but we usually call her Bastie. I didn't know that it means 'fire' before, it really fits her personality.
原Bast is actually the original version of the name, and Bastet the variant. the "et" ending was added by scholars later to emphasize the feminine aspect and to ensure pronunciation of the "t" at the end.
(By the way, when I say original, I'm not sure if it's the Egyptian name or not like Anubis/Anpu but I know it came before Bastet.)
原Was also the Goddess of healing and pleasure. I think it's a beautiful name, but I don't like the fact that it has a similar pronunciation with the word "busted".
原The name of Bastet is written with a Perfum Bottle and two female t's. Her actually name means Lady Perfume.
原Actually, Anubis wasn't her son, he was her husband.
Minister Falcon
标题:•祭祀女士•火焰之女••眼•eline eline eline eline••••••]]]]]]]]:::::•••••••••••••••••••••怀孕妇女在埃及被崇拜,Bubastis是邪教中心。与Pakhet,Hathor,Mut,Artemis,Sekhmet,Mut Nit有关; Isis / Osiris是她的父母;荷鲁斯是她的哥哥阿努比斯,荷太的软膏,和内费特是她的儿子。她被描绘成一个有猫头或雌狮头或沙漠野猫的女人,用她的爪子杀死毒蛇;经常穿着绿色;有时表示拿着笛子,音乐的象征;木乃伊猫被提供给她;她的名字已经存在了将近五千年;一个捍卫法老和人民免受疾病和破坏的神。
原Titles: • Mistress of the Sistrum • Lady of Flame • Eye of Ra • The Feline One of Women • She of the Bast [ointment jar] Goddess of: • Sun • Fertility • Moon • Joy • Music • Sensuality • Dance • Warmth • Pregnant women Worshipped in Egypt, and Bubastis was the cult center. Associated with Pakhet, Hathor, Mut, Artemis, Sekhmet, Mut Nit; Isis/Osiris were her parents; Horus was her brother; Anubis, Horus of the Ointments, and Nefertem were her sons. She was depicted as a woman with a feline head or with a lioness head or as a desert wildcat, killing poisonous snakes with her claws; often dressed in green; sometimes shown holding a sistrum, the symbol of music; mummified cats were offered to her; her name has existed for nearly five millennia; a deity who defended the pharaoh and the people from disease and destruction.
译 作为一个巨大的猫爱好者,我有一个这个名字的软弱点。虽然它不是特别漂亮,它有一个恩典和独立,它是一种猫,哈哈。我不会命名一个孩子Bastet,但看到这个神话女神在故事中使用更多将是很好的。
译 这是我的猫的名字,但我们通常称她为Bastie。我以前不知道这是“火”,真的适合她的个性。
译 她的妹妹Sechmet有一只母狮,不是Bastet。 Sechmet(或Sachmet)是战争的女神。贝斯特是她直接的对面。
译 听起来太像“混蛋”,如果你不说清楚。
译 Bast实际上是该名称的原始版本,而Bastet则是该变体。学者们再次加入“et”结尾,强调女性化,最终确保“t”的发音。 (顺便说一下,当我说原件时,我不知道这是埃及名字还是不像阿努比斯/安普,但我知道它是在巴斯特之前的。)
(By the way, when I say original, I'm not sure if it's the Egyptian name or not like Anubis/Anpu but I know it came before Bastet.)
译 也是愈合和乐趣的女神。我认为这是一个美丽的名字,但我不喜欢它有一个类似的发音与“破产”一样的事实。
译 Bastet的名字是用香水瓶和两个女t写的。她的名字就是女士香水。
译 其实,阿努比斯不是她的儿子,而是她的丈夫。
Minister Falcon
译 标题:•祭祀女士•火焰之女••眼•eline eline eline eline••••••]]]]]]]]:::::•••••••••••••••••••••怀孕妇女在埃及被崇拜,Bubastis是邪教中心。与Pakhet,Hathor,Mut,Artemis,Sekhmet,Mut Nit有关; Isis / Osiris是她的父母;荷鲁斯是她的哥哥阿努比斯,荷太的软膏,和内费特是她的儿子。她被描绘成一个有猫头或雌狮头或沙漠野猫的女人,用她的爪子杀死毒蛇;经常穿着绿色;有时表示拿着笛子,音乐的象征;木乃伊猫被提供给她;她的名字已经存在了将近五千年;一个捍卫法老和人民免受疾病和破坏的神。
• Mistress of the Sistrum
• Lady of Flame
• Eye of Ra
• The Feline One of Women
• She of the Bast [ointment jar]
Goddess of:
• Sun
• Fertility
• Moon
• Joy
• Music
• Sensuality
• Dance
• Warmth
• Pregnant women
Worshipped in Egypt, and Bubastis was the cult center. Associated with Pakhet, Hathor, Mut, Artemis, Sekhmet, Mut Nit; Isis/Osiris were her parents; Horus was her brother; Anubis, Horus of the Ointments, and Nefertem were her sons.
She was depicted as a woman with a feline head or with a lioness head or as a desert wildcat, killing poisonous snakes with her claws; often dressed in green; sometimes shown holding a sistrum, the symbol of music; mummified cats were offered to her; her name has existed for nearly five millennia; a deity who defended the pharaoh and the people from disease and destruction.
译 Bastet可能意味着从古埃及动物“bas”去的“吞食女人” - 吞噬或消费,而女性化结束'et'。