原Well hello everyone, my first name is Xavia, as well as the other girl I saw who bears this name. It really depends on how the parent chooses to pronounce the child's name. I don't mind the fact that I won't get my name confused unless it's with a boy named Xavier in the same class. Sometimes that does happen, but overall everyone says it's a beautiful name.
原This is definitely not pronounced "eg-ZAY-vee-ah," because it doesn't start with "E." A name pronounced like that would be spelled "Exavia." (Would that mean "out of Xavia?" Weird.) If that were a correct pronunciation, I could pronounce "xylophone" as "eg-ZAI-lo-fone" or "ek-ZAI-lo-fone." An "X" pronounced as "ex" at the beginning of a word has a hyphen between it and the word, as in "X-ray." The "X" there means unknown, as in a mathematical variable. But it would be confusing and nonsensical to put variables in people's names (also, what kind of meaning is "unknown avia"?) and thus this name is not to be spelled "X-Avia." PLEASE pronounce it as "ZAY-ve-ah." Thanks!
原I love this name! I first heard it in the song by The Submarines (as listed above), and thought the sound was highly melodic, even thought the name started with an (ordinarily harsh) 'x'. It's a modern name that is still quite versatile. I can actually see it on a little girl, and on a full-grown woman.
So Be It
“Xavia”是新乐队The Submarines的一首非常酷的歌曲。
原"Xavia" is a pretty cool song by new band The Submarines.
slight night shiver
呃,这听起来像是Xavier的纽约犹太人/ ghetto的发音。这个名字是不友善和丑陋的。
原Ugh, this sounds like the New York Jew/ghetto pronunciation of Xavier. The name is unfeminine and ugly.
原I really like the appearance of Xavia written, but I don't like how it sounds (no matter the pronunciation). It is almost as if the speaker has an accent that drops "r"s (which isn't bad-- I just dislike that Xavia resembles it so heavily). Another piece that I find bothersome is that the "X" can altogether get forgotten with the strong sound that -avia makes... Avia is a name that I do not personally care for. Like the first commenter, it could be spectacular on a character.
原This is one of the few modern names I like because a long time ago, I was looking to make up a feminine version of the name Xavier and I made up Xaviah, not knowing that this name or similar names even existed. Then later, I dropped the h from her name. I think it's a good name for a character, but not necessarily for a child.
sun angels love
译 好,你好,大家,我的名字是Xavia,以及另一个女孩,我看到谁拥有这个名字。它真的取决于父母如何选择发音孩子的名字。我不介意我不会让我的名字混淆,除非它是一个名叫Xavier的男孩在同一个类。有时候确实会发生,但总体上每个人都说这是一个美丽的名字。
译 我的名字是Xavia,是的,我发现它eg-zay-vee-uh。我很高兴我没有一个通用的名字,但是,这些真的让我个人的错误。
译 这绝对不是发音“eg-ZAY-vee-ah”,因为它不以“E”开头。一个像这样发音的名字将拼写为“Exavia”。如果这是一个正确的发音,我可以发音为“木琴”为“eg-ZAI-lo-fone”或“ek-ZAI-lo-fone”。在单词开始处发音为“ex”的“X”在单词和单词之间有连字符,如在“X-ray”中。 “X”表示未知,如在数学变量中。但是,把变量放在人们的名字中(也就是什么样的意思是“未知的avia”)会是混乱和荒谬的,因此这个名字不是拼写为“X-Avia”。请把它命名为“ZAY-ve-ah”。谢谢!
译 我喜欢它作为Ex-ay-via通过Zay-via。
译 发音eg-ZAY-vee-ah(英语),ZAY-vee-ah(英语)或HAH-vyah(西班牙语)。
译 我喜欢这个名字!我第一次听到“潜水艇”的歌曲(如上所列),并认为声音非常旋律,甚至认为这个名字以一个(通常是严厉的)'x'开头。这是一个现代的名字,仍然是相当多才多艺。我可以看到它在一个小女孩,和一个成熟的女人。
So Be It
译 “Xavia”是新乐队The Submarines的一首非常酷的歌曲。
slight night shiver
译 呃,这听起来像是Xavier的纽约犹太人/ ghetto的发音。这个名字是不友善和丑陋的。
译 我真的很喜欢Xavia写的外观,但我不喜欢它的声音(无论发音)。它几乎好像扬声器有一个重音的降低“r”(这不坏 - 我只是不喜欢Xavia很像这样重)。另一件我觉得麻烦的是,“X”可以完全被忘记了强大的声音, - - 维亚制造... Avia是一个我不个人关心的名字。像第一个评论家,它可以是一个字符的壮观。
译 这是我喜欢的几个现代名字之一,因为很久以前,我正在寻找一个女性化版本的名称Xavier和我弥补了Xaviah,不知道这个名字或类似的名字甚至存在。然后,我把她的名字从h。我认为这是一个好的名字为一个字符,但不一定是一个孩子。