原The other comments clearly demonstrate that this is not a name that would fly well outside of Greenland. However, it's a beautiful flowing name. The pronunciation is pee-lo-qoo-TING-goo-ahq. The Greenlandic q represents a sound not found in English or other European languages. It's sort of like a k, but very far back in the throat using almost a glottal stop.
原I cannot imagine how one would pronounce this name. Surely any poor child would spend months of their life (say, 5 minutes each time asked) telling people how to say it. Honestly, and teachers think "Lucrecia" is a difficult one to say.
译 如果我看到有这个名字的人,我会笑。
译 起ting和美丽。
译 个人来说,我喜欢这个名字!它是独特和可爱。我不是来自格陵兰,但我仍然认为它是亲爱的。 Maybe Piqu(pee-coo)为昵称?
译 其他评论清楚地表明,这不是一个名字在格陵兰外面飞得很好。然而,这是一个美丽的流行名字。发音是pee-lo-qoo-TING-goo-ahq。格陵兰语q表示在英语或其他欧洲语言中找不到的声音。它像一个k,但非常遥远的喉咙,使用几乎一个口音停止。
译 我不能想象如何发音这个名字。当然,任何可怜的孩子会花他们的生活的几个月(比如说,每次问5分钟)告诉人们如何说。老实说,老师认为“Lucrecia”是一个很难说的话。
译 多么奇怪的名字。